Copper and pH Effects on Soil Nitrogen Mineralization after Compost Application

  • Zito Antonio Pontifícia Universidad Católica de Valparaíso, Escuela de Agronomía
  • Ximena Besoain Pontifícia Universidad Católica de Valparaíso, Escuela de Agronomía.
  • Cristian Youlton Universidade Rovuma Extensão de Niassa, Departamento de Ciencias Alimentares e Agrárias.
  • Eduardo Salgado Universidade Rovuma Extensão de Niassa, Departamento de Ciencias Alimentares e Agrárias.
Keywords: Nitrate, ammoniacal nitrogen, net effect of nitrogen, organic agriculture.


The study looked to evaluate the effects of two levels of copper in a sandy clay loam soil (of the order Aridisol), and of five levels of pH, on the velocity of nitrogen mineralization after incorpo- rating compost. The experiment underwent 10 treatments: five pH levels, and two copper levels (251 mg kg¯‘ and 345 mg kg¯‘) with five replications. Planter pots were set as the experi- mental unit, and were maintained in a greenhouse for 108 days at a temperature of 25 °C. They were watered to maintain field capacity. The nitrate (NO3¯) and ammonium (NH ) contents were measured five times at 0, 27, 54, 81, and 108 days after compost application. Analysis of variance of data and Tukey test (p≤0.05), showed that the factors copper concentration and time affected ammonium and nitrate concentrations. It can be concluded that time is the factor of greatest importance in the process of organic-N mineralization in soils with medium to moderately high total levels of copper. Time factor weakly interact with the soil copper content, and is independent of the pH in a range from moderately acid to moderately alkaline.


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How to Cite
Antonio, Z., Besoain, X., Youlton, C., & Salgado, E. (2024). Copper and pH Effects on Soil Nitrogen Mineralization after Compost Application. Mozambican Journal of Applied Sciences, 1(1). Retrieved from