Efeito de extractos de folhas de Eucalipto (Eucalyptus globulos) e Moringa (Moringa oleifera) no controlo de gorgulho (Sitophilus zea mais) do Milho (Zea mays) Armazenado no Sector familiar

  • Florência Celeste Jonasse Universidade Politécnica de Maputo
  • Custódio Ramos Paulo Tacaríndua Instituto Superior Politécnico de Gaza
Keywords: Leaf extracts, Eucalyptus, Moringa, Black weevil, Corn, Storage


The loss of maize (Zea mays) resulting from pest attacks in the warehouse is estimated at 20% of the total harvest, with the black weevil (Sitophilus zeamais) being the main pest responsible for economic losses in the family sector in Mozambique. In order to evaluate the e_ciency of Eucalyptus (Eucalyptus globulos) and Moringa (Moringa oleifera) leaf extracts on the control of corn weevil (Zea mays) stored in the family sector, a trial was carried out in Inharrime District, Inhambane province from December 2021 to April 2022. The experimental design used was completely randomized (CCD) with seven treatments and _ve replications. The treatments were: Eucalyptus leaf extract at dosages of 45; 30; 15 kg/ton and Moringa leaves at 45; 30; 15 kg/ton of grain and control. Corn grains without application of any substance were considered control treatment. The Matuba maize variety, locally produced by the family sector, was used. For the experiment, the corn was divided into boxes with a capacity of 10 kg. The boxes simulated the storage conditions of traditional barns. The variables analyzed were percentage of infestation, pest density and mean degree of attack. ANOVA was performed using Fisher's test and the comparison of treatment means with Tukey's test, both at 5% signi_cance. The results obtained showed that the extracts of Eucalyptus and Moringa leaves showed a lower percentage of infestation at the dose of 45 kg/ton (22.93% 29.45.1%) compared to the control treatment with 82.7% at the end of 90 days of observation. The pest density was lower in the treatment with eucalyptus leaf extracts, which did not di_er with moringa leaf extract at the same dose. As for the average degree of attack, there were no statistically signi_cant di_erences between the extracts of eucalyptus and moringa leaves when compared to the control treatment that presented severe attack in stored corn (Zea mays).



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How to Cite
Jonasse, F. C., & Tacaríndua, C. R. P. (2024). Efeito de extractos de folhas de Eucalipto (Eucalyptus globulos) e Moringa (Moringa oleifera) no controlo de gorgulho (Sitophilus zea mais) do Milho (Zea mays) Armazenado no Sector familiar. Mozambican Journal of Applied Sciences, 1(1). Retrieved from https://mjas.ispg.ac.mz/index.php/revistaispg/article/view/58