Avalição da Composição Química e Nutricional da Polpa do Fruto de Maphilwa (Vangueria infausta) usada na produção de Sumo

  • Alfredo Dique Centro de Investigação e Desenvolvimento em Etnobotânica Casa zero, vila municipal de Namaacha, Maputo, Moçambique;
  • José Mazuze Centro de Investigação e Desenvolvimento em Etnobotânica Casa zero, vila municipal de Namaacha, Maputo, Moçambique;
  • Neto Fazenda Centro de Investigação e Desenvolvimento em Etnobotânica Casa zero, vila municipal de Namaacha, Maputo, Moçambique
Keywords: Food value, medicinal use, blanching


The present research work aimed to develop juice based on Vangueria infausta pulp poder and to determine the preliminary chemical and nutritional composition. The juice production was arried out by the thermal processing method followed by blanching at a temperature of 90 °C, after pulping and lyophilization of the fresh fruit of Vangueria infausta. The chemical and nutritional composition in mineral content was determined by gravimetric methods and spectrophotometry of _ame, moisture, fats, ash, total _ber by gravimetric methods and prospection of the phytochemical composition, including antioxidant activity, by colorimetric methods, using molecular absorption spectrophotometer and chemical reagents. From the chemical and nutritional composition, it was possible to quantify the crude _ber present in 7.95%, ash in 7.77%, fats 0.5% w/p, the minerals Fe 10.59 (mg/100g), Ca 0.16 (mg/100g), Na 139.06 (mg/100g), K 1424.47 (mg/100g) the most expressive and P with 0.060% (m/m) was the least expressive of the sample, alkaloids, compounds phenolics and _avonoids the antioxidant activity is present in 15%, and the presence of phenolic compounds in this fruit are responsible for this activity. This study aims to evaluate the chemical-nutritional composition of the pulp of the maphilwa fruit (Vangueira infausta) used in the production of juice, in order to value and encourage the consumption of unconventional foods (based on native plants) in communities.




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How to Cite
Dique, A., Mazuze, J., & Fazenda, N. (2024). Avalição da Composição Química e Nutricional da Polpa do Fruto de Maphilwa (Vangueria infausta) usada na produção de Sumo. Mozambican Journal of Applied Sciences, 1(1). Retrieved from https://mjas.ispg.ac.mz/index.php/revistaispg/article/view/59