Mozambican Journal of Applied Sciences
<p><strong>MJAS (Mozambican Journal of Applied Science)</strong> is an international, multidisciplinary, peer reviewed and electronic quarterly publication journal, concerned with agriculture, agrarian economy, social sciences and Humanities. The peer-review process is aimed to control the scholarly content of submitted manuscripts, by national and international experts. Moreover, the editorial board selects high-quality manuscripts with excellence in content, preferably without commercial targets. The manuscript submission and publication process of the accepted manuscripts are free of charge. This journal supports free access publications.</p>Instituto Superior Politécnico de Gaza - ISPGen-USMozambican Journal of Applied Sciences0868-8540A Short Review on African Horticultural Greenhouses
<p>African horticulture is increasingly portable, and horticultural greenhouses have played a significant role in boosting yields, resource productivity, and income by optimizing crop production environments, preventing pests and crop exposition to undesired climatic condi- tions during critical periods. To characterize production systems, progress made, challenges and perspectives for African horticultural greenhouses. A search combining the terms "Africa", "horticulture" and "greenhouse"was conducted on Scilit with a meta-analysis of the extracted data performed on ATLAS.ti using the terms "benefit", "areas", "commodities", "labour", "irriga- tion", "soil fertility", "pest management", and "market" as key terms. Horticultural greenhouses have helped expand production, mainly to unfavourable climatic areas from the semi-arid territories in the Sahel to unimodal rainfall regions of Sub-Sharan Africa. As a result, the African horticultural sector annual earns c.a., US$ 2.7 billion, primarily from flowers, fresh vegetables, seed, and spices exported to Europe. Kenya, with 63%of the earnings share, followed by South Africa, Tanzania, Ethiopia, and Uganda, are the primary producers. Large-scale farms build costly greenhouses while resource-constrained smallholders adhere to cheaper alternatives such as high tunnels. Low wages, the predominance of non-permanent jobs, gender inequali- ties, competing claims in water use for irrigation are among the most critical sectoral constraints. Growing investment in drip irrigation and rainwater storage are alternative solutions to counter water shortage. Horticultural greenhouses are likely to expand and improve substantially shortly, but there is a need to address labour, water use a access to investment funds by smallholders.</p>Edgar Manuel Cambaza
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2024-06-192024-06-1911Avaliação do Efeito de Níveis de Escarificação por Ataque de Oídio (Oidium anacardii Noack) na Germinação da Semente Policlonal de Castanha de Caju
<p>The production of cashew seedlings is an extremely important activity for the revitalization of the cashew sub-sector at the country level and particularly for the province of Inhambane. Thus, the selection of healthy seed is essential to guarantee the obtainment of quality seedlings. In this work, the effect of scarification by powdery mildew attack on the germina- tion of polyclonal cashew nut seed was evaluated. The results indicate that chestnut scarifica- tion exerted a negative influence on the number of emerged plants. Based on the results, this study allows us to fulfill that the higher the level of seed scarification, the lower the number of seed that emerges / germinates. In line with these findings, it is recommended to use seed that has scarification levels closer to zero, in order to improve efficiency in the production of cashew seedlings in the nursery.</p> <p> </p> <p><strong>REFERÊNCIAS</strong></p> <p>CALZAVARAS, B. B. G, Cajueiro. Centro de Pesquisa Agro- pecuária do Trópico húmido. EMBRAPA, 1987.<br>CAMÕES, J.; PRASAD, M. V. R. Cultura do Cajú. Manual prático. Nampula, 1996.<br>CRESPO, A. A. Estatística fácil. São Paulo: Editora Saraiva, 1997.<br>DIAS, D. C. F. S; TOLEDO, F. F. de. Germinação e incidência de fungos em testes com sementes de Brachiaria decumbens. Revista Brasileira de sementes, 81-86p, 1993.<br>FERRÃO, J. E. M. O Cajueiro, Ministério do Planeamento e administração do território; Secretaria de Estado da Ciência e Tecnologia, Instituto de Investigação Científica Tropical. Lisboa, 1995.<br>Instituto de Investigação Agrária de Moçambique – IIAM. Programa Nacional de Investigação do Cajú (2010-2011). Relatório Anual, v.1, 2011.<br>Instituto Nacional de Caju – INCAJU. Plano Director do Cajú<br>– Componente “Comercialização e Industrialização, 2005.<br>KANDJI, N. VIJFHUIZEN, C., ARTUR, L. Liberalização,<br>Gênero e Meios de Sustento: Castanha de Cajú em Moçam- bique, 2004.<br>LEITE, L. A Agroindústria do Cajú no Brasil. Políticas Públi- cas e transformações económicas. Universidade Estadual de Campinas. 1994.<br>LOPES, J. Manual prático do Cajueiro, Ministério da Agricul- tura, Serviço Nacional de Extensão Agrária- Maputo, Série: técnicas agrícolas 42 pp, 1994.<br>MILHEIRO, A., EVARISTO, F. Manual do Cajueiro, Asso- ciação de técnicas de culturas tropicais. 1ª edição, Porto-Por- tugal,1994.<br>Ministério de Administração Estatal – MAE. Perfil do distrito de Mabote, Província de Inhambane, Série de Plano distrital de Desenvolvimento- PDD III (2017-2026), 2005.<br>OLIVEIRA, A., MARTINS, G., SILVA, R. Testes de vigor<br>baseado no desempenho de plântulas. Inter Science Place, v. 2, 2009.<br>REIS, G., MULLER, M. Análise de crescimento de plantas – mensuração do crescimento. Belém, CPATU, 1978.<br>SÁ, F., PAIVA, F., MARINHO, F. Plantando Cajú. Fortaleza: Embrapa Agricultura Tropical, 2000.<br>UACIQUETE, A. Contribuição para o entendimento da epidemiologia do oídio do cajueiro na província de Gaza – Série de investigação; INIA/SV, 1997.</p>Majahene MajaheneBenjamim Elídio AdrianoJojó Armando Laina
Copyright (c) 2022 Mozambican Journal of Applied Sciences
2024-06-192024-06-1911Copper and pH Effects on Soil Nitrogen Mineralization after Compost Application
<p>The study looked to evaluate the effects of two levels of copper in a sandy clay loam soil (of the order Aridisol), and of five levels of pH, on the velocity of nitrogen mineralization after incorpo- rating compost. The experiment underwent 10 treatments: five pH levels, and two copper levels (251 mg kg¯‘ and 345 mg kg¯‘) with five replications. Planter pots were set as the experi- mental unit, and were maintained in a greenhouse for 108 days at a temperature of 25 °C. They were watered to maintain field capacity. The nitrate (NO3¯) and ammonium (NH ) contents were measured five times at 0, 27, 54, 81, and 108 days after compost application. Analysis of variance of data and Tukey test (p≤0.05), showed that the factors copper concentration and time affected ammonium and nitrate concentrations. It can be concluded that time is the factor of greatest importance in the process of organic-N mineralization in soils with medium to moderately high total levels of copper. Time factor weakly interact with the soil copper content, and is independent of the pH in a range from moderately acid to moderately alkaline.</p> <p> </p> <p><strong>REFERENCES</strong><br>ANDERSON, J., HOOPER M. J., ZAK, J. C, COXET, S. B. Molecular and functional assessment of bacterial community convergence in metal-amended soils. Microbiology Ecologic, 58, 10-22 2009.<br>BEGUM, A. Cultivation of tomato plants (Lycopersicon esculentum) using municipal solid waste compost. Environ- ment News,16 (2), 72-81, 2010.<br>CAMPOS, J., SPERBERG, F. Uso de enmiendas orgánicas como fuente de fertilización en cultivos en técnicas de conser- vación de suelos, agua y vegetación en territorios degradados. In: Técnicas de conservación de suelos, agua y vegetación en territorios degradados. SERIE ACTAS INIA – ISSN, 48, 0717-4810, 2011.<br>CCME - Canadian Council of Ministers of the Environment. Canadian soil quality guidelines for the protection of environmental and human health: Summary of Protocol for the Derivation of Environmental and Human Health Soil Quality Guidelines. Canadian environmental quality guidelines. 1299, 1-34, 2007.<br>CHRISTOU, A. Assessment of toxic heavy metals concentra- tions in soils and wild and cultivated plant species in abandoned copper mining site, Cyprus. Journal of Geochemi- cal Exploration, 178, 16–22, 2017.<br>DIAS, A. Transformações do nitrogênio no solo em microbio- logia do solo, 2ª Edição, Editorial Pirespectva, São Paulo, 105-117, 2016.<br>ESPINOZA, L., MOZAFFARI, M. Como interpretar los resultados de los análisis de suelos, Agricultura y Recursos Naturales, 2118, 1-12, 2012.<br>GONZÁLEZ, L., ÁLVAREZ, A. Mineralización in vitro de nitrógeno y fósforo y contenido de metales pesados en suelos acondicionados con lodo proveniente de una planta de tratamiento de aguas servidas. Tesis (Doctorado) – Facultad de Ciencias Agronómicas Escuela de Agronomía, Universi- dad de Chile, 23 – 38, 2004.<br>GROHSKOPF, M. A. Copper and zinc forms in soil fertilized with pig slurry in the bean crop. Revista Brasileira de Engen- haria Agrícola e Ambiental, 20(9) 1807-1929, 2016.<br>HANAN, J. E., SCHIME, P. J. Effects of substrate supply, pH, and char on net nitrogen mineralization and nitrification along a wildfire-structured age gradient in chaparral. Soil Biology and Biochemistry, 95, 87-99, 2016.<br>LI, J., ZHANG Q., LI, Y., LIU, J., PAN, H., GUAN, X., Xu, X., XU, J., DI, H. Impact of mowing management on nitrogen mineralization rate and fungal and bacterial communities in a semiarid grassland ecosystem. Journal of Soils and Sediments, 17, 715–1726, 2017.<br>MAGNANI, D., SOLIOZ, M. How bacteria handle copper, In: Bacterial transition metal homeostasis, 81, 259-285, 2007.<br>MEIER, S. MEIER S., CURAQUEO G., KHAN N., BOLAN N., RILLING J., VIDAL C., FERNÁNDEZ N., ACUÑA J., GONZÁLEZ M., CORNEJO P., F. BORIE. Effects of biochar on copper immobilization and soil microbial communities in a metal-contaminated soil. Journal of Soils and Sediments, 17, 1237–1250, 2017.<br>MOYA, H., VERDEJO, J., YÁÑEZ, C., ÁLVARO, J.E., SAUVÉ, S., NEAMAN1, A. Nitrification and nitrogen miner- alization in agricultural soils contaminated by copper mining activities in Central Chile. Journal of Soil Science and Plant Nutrition, 17(1), 205-213.<br>RIGBY, H. A critical review of nitrogen mineralization in biosolids-amended soil, the associated fertilizer value for crop production and potential for emissions to the environment. Science of the total environment, 15, 1310-1338, 2016.<br>SHARAFF, M., KAMAT, S., ARCHANA, G. Analysis of copper tolerant rhizobacteria from the industrial belt of Guja- rat, western India for plant growth promotion in metal pollut- ed agriculture soils. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety, 138, 113–121, 2017.<br>XIAO, K., XU, J., TANG, C., ZHANG, J., BROOKS, P.C. Differences in carbon and nitrogen mineralization in soils of differing initial pH induced by electrokinesis and receiving crop residue amendments. Soil Biology and Biochemistry. 64, 70 – 84, 2013.<br>XIAO, K., LU, Y., XU, J., BROOKS, P. pH. Nitrogen mineralization, and KCl-extractable aluminum as affected by initial soil pH and rate of vetch residue application: results from a laboratory study. Journal of Soils and Sediments. 14, 1513–1525, 2014.</p>Zito AntonioXimena BesoainCristian YoultonEduardo Salgado
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2024-06-192024-06-1911Efficacy of Solar Disinfection (SODIS) in Inactivating Viral Pathogens in Water, with Emphasis on Sars-Cov-2 - Review
<p>The detection of infectious viral particles in the excreta of infected people and the elucidation of the tropism of Sars-Cov-2 by other organs, including the digestive tract, raised health concerns, given the hypothesis of contagion via the fecal-oral route. While the debate on this hypothesis remains open and an increasing number of studies support this path of contagion, mainly through the ingestion of contaminated water, there is a growing concern about the health risk of poor communities, especially in developing countries. However, solar water disinfection (SODIS) can be an alternative for remediation of the contagion of Sars-Cov-2 through the water-mediated fecal-oral route. In this work, the e_ectiveness of SODIS as na alternative for remediation of Sars-Cov-2 contagion through water is critically reviewed. We found that the biological properties of Sars-Cov-2, namely, the stability of the genome, and the ability to remain infectious in environmental water matrices, with the precariousness of sanitation infrastructure and drinking water supply, make the chances of contamination by Sars-Cov-2 through drinking water to be high. SODIS is able to ensure the inactivation of Sars-Cov-2 in water, and can be e_ectively applied as an emergency and permanent measure to provide safe drinking water to underprivileged communities.</p>Beni Jequicene Mussengue ChaúqueMussa IssufoVitor Hugo Zeilmann GuedesAntônio Domingues BenettiMarilise Brittes Rott
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2024-06-192024-06-1911Efeito de extractos de folhas de Eucalipto (Eucalyptus globulos) e Moringa (Moringa oleifera) no controlo de gorgulho (Sitophilus zea mais) do Milho (Zea mays) Armazenado no Sector familiar
<p>The loss of maize (Zea mays) resulting from pest attacks in the warehouse is estimated at 20% of the total harvest, with the black weevil (Sitophilus zeamais) being the main pest responsible for economic losses in the family sector in Mozambique. In order to evaluate the e_ciency of Eucalyptus (Eucalyptus globulos) and Moringa (Moringa oleifera) leaf extracts on the control of corn weevil (Zea mays) stored in the family sector, a trial was carried out in Inharrime District, Inhambane province from December 2021 to April 2022. The experimental design used was completely randomized (CCD) with seven treatments and _ve replications. The treatments were: Eucalyptus leaf extract at dosages of 45; 30; 15 kg/ton and Moringa leaves at 45; 30; 15 kg/ton of grain and control. Corn grains without application of any substance were considered control treatment. The Matuba maize variety, locally produced by the family sector, was used. For the experiment, the corn was divided into boxes with a capacity of 10 kg. The boxes simulated the storage conditions of traditional barns. The variables analyzed were percentage of infestation, pest density and mean degree of attack. ANOVA was performed using Fisher's test and the comparison of treatment means with Tukey's test, both at 5% signi_cance. The results obtained showed that the extracts of Eucalyptus and Moringa leaves showed a lower percentage of infestation at the dose of 45 kg/ton (22.93% 29.45.1%) compared to the control treatment with 82.7% at the end of 90 days of observation. The pest density was lower in the treatment with eucalyptus leaf extracts, which did not di_er with moringa leaf extract at the same dose. As for the average degree of attack, there were no statistically signi_cant di_erences between the extracts of eucalyptus and moringa leaves when compared to the control treatment that presented severe attack in stored corn (Zea mays).</p> <p> </p> <p><strong>REFERÊNCIAS BIBLIOGRÁFICAS</strong></p> <p>BOTTON; M. O gorgunho do milho Stophilus zeamais (Coleoptera: curculionidade). EMBRAPA. 2005.</p> <p>CARVALHO, R.P.L. Pragas do milho. In: PATERNIANI, E. (Coord.) Melhoramento e produção de milho no Brasil. Campinas: Fundação Cargill, 1978.</p> <p>DUBEY, N. K.; SHUKLA, R.; KUMAR, A.; SINGH, P.; PRAKASH, B. Prospects of botanical pesticides in sustainable agriculture. Current Science, v. 98, n. 4, p. 479-480, 2010.</p> <p>ENAN, E.; BEIGLER, M.; KENDE, A. Insecticidal action of terpenes and phenols tocockroaches: effect on octopamine receptors. In: Proceedings of the International Symposium on Plant Protection, p. 5-10, 1998.</p> <p>FARONI, L. R. A.; MOLIN, L.; ANDRADE, E. T.; CARDOSO, E. 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2024-06-192024-06-1911Avalição da Composição Química e Nutricional da Polpa do Fruto de Maphilwa (Vangueria infausta) usada na produção de Sumo
<p>The present research work aimed to develop juice based on Vangueria infausta pulp poder and to determine the preliminary chemical and nutritional composition. The juice production was arried out by the thermal processing method followed by blanching at a temperature of 90 °C, after pulping and lyophilization of the fresh fruit of Vangueria infausta. The chemical and nutritional composition in mineral content was determined by gravimetric methods and spectrophotometry of _ame, moisture, fats, ash, total _ber by gravimetric methods and prospection of the phytochemical composition, including antioxidant activity, by colorimetric methods, using molecular absorption spectrophotometer and chemical reagents. From the chemical and nutritional composition, it was possible to quantify the crude _ber present in 7.95%, ash in 7.77%, fats 0.5% w/p, the minerals Fe 10.59 (mg/100g), Ca 0.16 (mg/100g), Na 139.06 (mg/100g), K 1424.47 (mg/100g) the most expressive and P with 0.060% (m/m) was the least expressive of the sample, alkaloids, compounds phenolics and _avonoids the antioxidant activity is present in 15%, and the presence of phenolic compounds in this fruit are responsible for this activity. This study aims to evaluate the chemical-nutritional composition of the pulp of the maphilwa fruit (Vangueira infausta) used in the production of juice, in order to value and encourage the consumption of unconventional foods (based on native plants) in communities.</p> <p> </p> <p> </p> <p><strong>REFERÊNCIAS</strong></p> <p>ABEER, T. 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